The strength of any organization depends on the involvement of its members. Below you will see the chairperson for the various committees of the Nauset Heights Association. Please join forces with the officers, board, and committee chairs by signing up to help out on one or more of the Association committees.

Bonfire Dave Strickler
Donut Dip Maura Fitzpatrick
Environmental Ken Rubin
Fishermen Liaison / Harbormaster Skip Appleyard
Golf Outing Jim Case
Government Affairs Jim Tyng
IT / Web Management Dave Strickler, Kathy Pattison
Lawn Party Bob Colquhoun
Membership, Directory, Newsletter Kathy Pattison
Pickleball Lance Roncalli
Police / Traffic Liaison King Nelson / Carl Trevison
Stairs and Maintenance Carl Trevison
Tennis Round Robin Jim Tyng

If you are interested in working on any of these committees, please let us know by sending an email to nha@nausetheights.org.

NHA Environmental Committee Information